Friday, March 28, 2014

Bosozoku Pangea Speed

Bosozoku biker gangs once ruled the streets of Japan, these days though they are more of a nuisance than anything else, revving their engines and riding like lunatics through quiet neighbourhoods. While this doesn't sound all that cool the Bosozoku style is about as individual as you could imagine and it was only a matter of time before someone outside of Japan added a bit of Bosozoku to one of their builds. Andy Carter owner of workshop Pangea Speed is just the sort of tradition breaking builder to do it and what better time to unveil such a ride than at Born Free 4.



 As you can see he certainly didn't disappoint. Not only does the bike look like nothing most people would have ever seen before but it also performs nothing like a stock Harley would. The bike uses a '75 Shovel frame with a '92 FXD motor with FXR transmission and a great big GT17 Turbo boosting power way beyond the factory 67bhp!


Here's Andy's builder profile video released prior to Born Free 4.
Born Free from Jmills Entertainment on Vimeo.
It's a bike that like many of his other builds, will be met with varying opinions. But just like watching a movie you know it's done it's job when you everyones talking about it after the show. This won't be the last time you see this bike doing the blog rounds.

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